Second Breath is a mobile app with spiritual practices grounded in perennial Christian wisdom as well as modern day brain and emotions research. As they say, these practices have roots in both "research and revelation." See the Second Breath Center website for app downloads, online courses, and even a weekly Zoom community of spiritual practices. Much of their content is free, while other is purchasable.
The Pray As You Go app gives daily audio devotions and guided prayers. It tends to follow the Revised Common Lectionary, It also "specializes" in a spiritual practice called the Examen which is a way to grow in your awareness of God's movements in your life. The same content is available on the Pray As You Go website. The website and app come from the Jesuit movement in Britain so the speakers all have different British accents!
Every Moment Holy is a mobile app and website with short prayers (for many moments in life) and longer liturgies to use with others. Many of the prayers and liturgies are free and others can be purchased on the app. The wonderful thing of these prayers is how every human experience is seen as a moment in which God comes to us and into which we can awaken.
d365 is a daily devotion written for youth and adults. The devotion follows a five-step format – Pause, Listen, Think, Pray, Go. Its also available as a mobile app through Google Play and Apple Store